środa, 11 września 2013

My first dashboard

This is my first website. 
It's rather simple, there is a litlle bit of codding, HTML with CSS.
First thing I did was the background. I chose the Cyril Rolando's painting. Then the problem started. The background was divided and I didn't found any code in the internet to fix it. Luckly, some friends helped me at school. 
Next I made the icons in Adobe Photoshop CS6. I think this is my favourite thing about making websites. Icons were easy for me to make, but I wanted them to make a special ones. I'm not as good at photoshop as others, so they are still simple. 
The last one step was coding. It took me a long time to code everything to make it looking at least good. Now I think this dashboard is pretty chaotic. Even though, I like it. Chaos, disarray. The best thing is I like that style. Maybe one day I will make clearer webpage, but for today this one suits me.

I had some problems with coding, but all the time there was internet or someone who i could have asked.
Codecademy. The most annoying thing in whole process. You can wonder-why? I can learn how to coding, I have explained it clearly and easy to read. But on the other side it takes a long time to finish the course. This time I could waste for changing the icons or whole design.

What would I do different If I should to do it again?
Links. If I had more time, I would cut the baloons, piano, car, boat and all this things  from background and then paste them as links. More fun while looking for another websites, magic and secrets.

At this moment, my website look like that:

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